A book video is a relatively new invention, having come along only a few years ago as a new way to promote a book over the Internet. Authors and publishers are looking for innovative ways to promote without spending a lot of money.
Think of a movie trailer, only not for a movie … for a BOOK. That’s a book video!
It is possible to get a book video for as little as a couple hundred to as much as several thousand. The quality varies widely from really bad to simply wonderful.
If you decide you want one to promote your book, you may want to try making your own with inexpensive consumer video software. If you would rather save your own time and have a great custom video that you will be proud of, I can help.
Book video by Look Great In Print is generally displayed as HD (high-definition) when viewed on YouTube. This means your video looks better and looks like you cared enough to be sure the quality of your book is reflected in the content and the quality of your video.
Here is essential information I need to make a video, if I did not do your book: a brief synopsis of your book with the primary storyline, details about the setting, historical context, character information, type of music you prefer, and ordering info for your book (website URL and where to buy).
Don’t have a book to promote? Not just for books, your video can be about anything you would like to promote. It is easy to display a video on your website.
Your Book Video Includes:
- 1-2 minutes of video, with your supplied content, photos, specific video clips or audio (about 1 minute is the best length … please note that it is illegal to use a popular song or other copyrighted material as audio or video and this will get your video pulled from video sites)
- I can supply content (there may be an additional charge, depending on what the content is)
- Includes one title slide, 3 testimonial slides, approx. 5-10 bullet points (15 words or less), book cover image, conclusion slide, URL with book info and contact info for author
- Your completed video uploaded to YouTube, Yahoo, Google or other video website and/or supplied back to you to upload